About us


Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (literally Friends of Nature Foundation) is an organization of Bolivian civil society made up of men and women who, recognizing the importance and value inherent in Nature, are committed to working to promote positive changes so that Bolivia values, protects and preserves its natural heritage and the environmental functions that sustain the livelihoods and wellbeing of its inhabitants thereby ensuring sustainable development and climate resilience.


Throughout its history as an institution, FAN has developed and implemented comprehensive approaches for improving and managing Nature and climate resilience, thereby contributing towards generating new knowledge and awareness with technical and scientific support proposing innovative solutions to be able to respond to the main challenges we are facing and thereby achieve sustainable development as the basis for the wellbeing of society.  


Our commitment and efforts are strengthened thanks to the synergy fostered with local stakeholders, partner institutions and financial partners with whom we create strategic alliances in order to advance steadily and jointly along the road to comprehensive and sustainable development.


Committed to our mission: Our work is guided by our commitment and passion for preserving Nature.

Professionalism: We adhere to the highest ethical standards, we are transparent in our methods and conduct; moreover, we are honest with our outcomes and results. We respect institutional policies and procedures, implementing them consistently with fairness and transparency. We stand out individual contributions and the dedication to excellence.

Integrity: We have a high regard for integrity along with honesty, respect and transparency in all our professional and institutional interactions.



Responsibility: By having a clear set of purposes, we maintain our commitment to respect and preserve the environment, as well as ensuring compliance of human rights in all the social levels and spheres in which we work. 

Innovation: We promote the development and putting in place of innovative and creative solutions, based on solid technical and scientific information. We work with enthusiasm and maintain a healthy appetite for learning and critical thinking.

Respect y collaboration: We recognize and respect diversity in terms of gender identity, origin, culture, nationality, citizenship, language, religion, ideology, political affiliation or philosophy, level of education, and/or handicap. We interact with our target audience, colleagues and allies with trust, fairness, and integrity, sharing the credits in all that we do.

Our Strategy

Since its foundation, we at Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (FAN) believe knowledge is still the best tool for coping with the interconnected crises we continuously have to face. Our Institutional Strategic Plan 2021-2026 sets out our response to environmental impacts and vulnerability and infringement of livelihoods of the most fragile populations due to Bolivia implementing an economic model based on degrading natural resources and the environment. Our Theory of Change constitutes a fundamental component of institutional strategic planning and points out the road map of change which we must follow during the next five years with the goal of generating greater impacts in the conservation and preservation of Nature. We are also aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals related to forests and biodiversity (SDG 15), sustainable production (SDG 12), climate action (SDG 13), and sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11).


Knowledge and Innovation
from the Outset

Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (FAN) began as a group of like-minded visionary men and women who shared a dream of protecting and looking out for the wellbeing of nature in Bolivia, responding to the existing lack of initiatives facing the growing threats to Bolivia’s ecosystems, species and genetic resources.  Today we believe that knowledge is still our best tool for coping with the interconnected crises we are facing and passing through; moreover, by understanding the problems, we can seek and find innovative solutions and resources to be able to respond to and face these threats. We have decided to look forward with optimism and continue working with our high sense of commitment for both preserving and conserving nature.



Meet our Team

We are a multidisciplinary work team that stands out for its quality and professional dynamism in the conservation sector on a national and international scale. We have a culture of high institutional and personal values.
We are dynamic and diverse, coming from different places in Bolivia and other countries. Biology, forestry, agronomy, economics, communication, markets, business administration, anthropology, planning, industrial engineering, geomatics, law and finance are the areas of specialty of the members of the FAN team. This diversity has generated a technical and cultural complementarity that enhances the capacity and effectiveness of institutional work.


Natalia Calderón

Executive Director

Natalia is an economist with more than 19 years of experience in climate change and sustainable development project management. She analyzes and observes situations to better understand the reality of comprehensive and sustainable development in Bolivia. She joined Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (FAN) at the end of 2003 as a thesis student working on economic appraisal. From that moment on, her enthusiasm, curiosity and professionalism have allowed her to develop a professional career in different technical areas, as well as institutional and strategic leadership within the institution. Her family is her inspiration and strength. She is proud to a part of a team that is highly committed to nature conservation, which today is lead by a group of young women that have demonstrated that it indeed is possible to generate change with equity and sustainability.

Natalia Calderón

Executive Director

Verónica Ibarnegaray

Directora de Gestión de Proyectos y Programas

She is an economist by profession, with a master’s degree in economics and financial engineering in Regional Projects, she possesses a post-graduate diploma courses in the Evaluation and Management of Sustainable Development Impacts. Throughout her professional career she has lead and coordinated the design, planning and implemented conservation projects and sustainable management of forests, territorial management, and community-based fire management with a focus on adapting to climate change in the Low Lands of Bolivia. She has published scientific articles that have been disseminated in specialized journals and in the local press. The wealth of her interdisciplinary work with persons who share the same passion and commitment with nature conservation is what inspires and drives to continue seeking opportunities for improving our intervention and participation in increasingly complex and challenging contexts.

Verónica Ibarnegaray​

Director, Project Management and Programs

Karina Sauma

Director, Communications and Technology

Karina, by profession, is a Social Communicator with a master’s degree in marketing and Commercial Management. She possesses an extensive experience in organizational and strategic communication, organizing events, training, and communication for development. Additionally, she has ample knowledge for developing and producing communications materials, both printed and audiovisuals. She not only relates very well with the local, national, and international press, but also handles crisis management, managing and handling multidisciplinary teams. Karina is focused on attaining successful results and is accustomed to achieving high work-related goals. For her, building, innovating, and creating are what constantly inspire her to move forward. Teamwork and the passion with which FAN works further inspires her to continue building and developing innovative approaches and paths, as well as seeking new opportunities for conserving our Natural Heritage.

Karina Sauma

Director, Communications and Technology

Yamile Bravo

Director, Administration and Finance

Yamile is a Chartered Public Accountant with a master’s degree in business administration, as well as a post-graduate degree in Human Resources and Higher Education Superior. She has more than 25 years of experience in the administrative, accounting and financial management of development projects. She is highly organized and methodical; moreover, she has more than 20 years ensuring the transparent handling and management of the financial resources granted to our institution, FAN, contributing in this manner to FAN achieving its institutional objectives. Her willingness to serve has marked her professional career. Working in FAN for Yamile is a creative, innovative, and passionate experience, full of challenges; and more so being part of a team of de professionals who not only love what they do but are highly committed to conserving our Natural Heritage.

Yamile Bravo

Director, Administration and Finance

Marlene Quintanilla

Assistant Director, Forests and Biodiversity

Marlene is a Forestry Engineer with a master’s degree in water resource management. Currently she the Research Director and the Director of Knowledge Management at FAN. She has more than 15 years of experience working in the areas of planning, research and sustainable use of natural resources. Her primary interest is achieving the conservation of ecosystems through knowledge and understanding, recognized that ecosystem conservation is the true value for our planet.

Marlene Quintanilla​

Assistant Director, Forests and Biodiversity 

Dorys Méndez

Assistant Director, Sustainable Cities and Governance

Dorys is a biologist with a master’s degree in Geomatic Sciences, as well as additional courses specializing in environmental education, territorial management, and protected areas. She is very thankful for being able to work for more than 20 years in the field of conservation. She joined the team at FAN–an institution that is recognized and admired for its quality of service no only on behalf of the environment but also the human worth and dignity of the people who make up the FAN team. She feels proud to be a part of this team of professionals committed by their passion for nature and united in the institution contributing their efforts for conserving our planet–starting locally and reaching internationally.

Dorys Mendéz

Assistant Director, Sustainable Cities and Governance

Carlos Pinto

Assistant Director, Comprehensive Fire Management

Carlos is a Forestry Engineer with more than 15 years of experience working with forest fire-fighting initiatives in Bolivia. He has developed research on the ecology of forest fires in forestry production and protected areas. He possesses experience in spatial monitoring systems for forest fires. He works closely with indigenous and peasant communities promoting actions focused on the prevention and control of forest fires, employing tasks associated with planning and executing prescribed controlled burns; thereby, conserving ecosystems and reducing forest fire risks in strategic sites. Carlos also provides assistance in tasks associated with managing emergencies and combating forest fires. He has participated in developing public policies for forest fires management in Bolivia. Carlos is a member of the South American Forest Fire Network.

Carlos Pinto

Assistant Director, Comprehensive Fire Management

Saúl Cuellar

Program Manager

Saúl is an engineer in Information Technology with more than 15 years of experience in Remote Sensing and in Geographical Information Systems (GIS). He possesses extensive experience in implementing and providing advice for projects related to analyzing and managing geo-referenced information with regards to territorial planning, conserving biodiversity, monitoring deforestation, changes in land use, carbon capture and storage, natural resource management, protected area management and the management of the territories of Bolivians indigenous peoples.

Saúl Cuellar​

Program Manager

Ruth Delgado

Program Manager

Ruth is a biologist with a master’s degree in Sustainable Development, majoring in climate change. The first years of her professional career were dedicated to research and management of protected areas. Since 2006, she has been working on developing the value-added chains for forest-based product, for example, wild cacao, assai and honey in the Low Lands of Bolivia. In order to achieve this, she has worked in cooperation with indigenous and peasant communities, micro-enterprises, producer associations, and local governments. She has lead and formed a part of multidisciplinary teams and alliances with civil society organizations where she has contributed with a unique vision integrating environmental, social and economic aspects.

Ruth Delgado​

Program Manager

Armando Rodríguez

Program Manager

Armando is a Forestry Engineer with a specialty and master’s degree in the geo-information of natural resources. With more than 11 years of experience not only in the field of monitoring and evaluating forest fires, follow-up and analysis of the dynamic processes of soil and land use, but also structural changes in vegetation through national and international projects by implementing spatial monitoring systems on deforestation and forest degradation. He is an instructor and lecturer at several national and international universities. 

He has been part of the FAN team since 2019, generating strategic planning instruments to be used in strengthening actions and capacities for the comprehensive management of forest fires, territorial and socio-environmental management, as well as conserving biodiversity.

Armando Rodríguez​

Program Manager

Claudia Centellas

Manager, Quality Management and Budgets

Claudia is a Financial Auditor, with more than 25 years work experience, in both the public and private sectors. Her professional experience includes the areas of internal and external audits. She has ample knowledge not only of the Basic Control Standards established by the Government Administration and Control System, but also Preparing Financial Information and Follow-up in Budget Execution and Implementation in projects using funds from external financing. Claudia has also acquired other skills and capacities throughout her professional career.

Claudia Centellas

Manager, Quality Management and Budgets

Pedro Ribera

Project Manager

Pedro is a Forestry Engineer with post-graduate studies in Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Project Design and Management with Public Investment. He possess extensive experience in satellite monitoring of forest fires, fire prevention by means of controlled burning workshops, training forest fire fighters, combating forest fires, designing and implementing fire-fighting strategies using available technologies such as Drones and mobile phone applications. Pedro has been a part of the FAN team since January 2020, contributing with his knowledge in the area de Community Fire-Fighting Management.

Pedro Ribera​

Project Manager

Caroline Barlderrama

Assistant Administrative Manager North Amazon

Caroline is a Forestry Engineer and an administrative secretary by profession, with diploma courses in Higher Education. She possesses extensive knowledge of the context and dynamics of the Amazonia, with special experience in coordinating and working with peasant and indigenous communities, productive associations and partnerships, and community enterprises. She has also had successful experiences public sector organizations preparing and managing productive and social development projects, as well as the administrative and technical management of projects employing external financing. Carolina possesses special knowledge in the comprehensive management of forest fires and indigenous peoples territorial management, as well as accompanying and following up the management of productive associations and partnerships.

Caroline Balderrama​

Assistant Administrative Manager
North Amazon

Rodney Camargo

Assistant Manager Specialist

Rodney is an Information Technology Engineer with a specialty in Geographical Information Systems and remote sensing. He possesses a great capacity in handling and operating different programming languages. He has been a part of the FAN team for 11 years, contributing to and directing research and projects. He has extensive skills in using the technological tools that provide great value to organization developing interactive platforms related to both the early warning systems de forest fire risks.

Rodney Camargo​

Assistant Manager Specialist

Marcelo Char

Assistant Manager Specialist

Marcelo is an Agricultural Engineer by profession with experience in Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Precision Farming, Satellite Remote Sensing, and SIG programming. Currently he is in the final stages of a master’s degree in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems as applied to Sustainable Development. Marcelo is very passionate about research and team work applying his knowledge to solving problems and work-related challenges. He is strongly committed to conserving our natural heritage.

Marcelo Char​

Assistant Manager Specialist

Martha Giacoman

Assistant Manager, Procurment and General Service

Martha is a Financial Auditor with post-graduate studies in Human Resources. Martha as been a part of the FAN team for 11 years. She works in the area of Administration and Finance. She feels great personal and professional satisfaction being able to contribute from her position at work, through different activities and tasks, taking small steps that bring us all closer to that common dream and goal shared by all who are a part of the FAN family, namely, to make an impact and bring about results for conserving our Natural Heritage. Working at FAN has allowed her to meet and work with professionals who are outstanding in their knowledge, but above all, for their human sensitivity and their desire to make it possible to use our natural resources in a sustainable manner.

Martha Giacoman​

Assistant Manager, Procurment and General Service  

Sara Espinoza

Assistant Manager Specialist

Sara is an Information Technology Engineer by profession. She Works as an analyst and specialist in applied geomatics as applied to evaluating natural resources, socio-economic vulnerability and environmental sensitivity analysis, and territory and land-use planning at different scales. She loves art in addition to being an active citizen in her neighborhood council developing urban planning actions thus allowing her to have a broader vision of her surroundings.

Sara Espinoza​

Assistant Manager Specialist

Eva Molinedo

Assistant Manager Specialist

Eva is an Environmental Engineer, with a Master’s Degree in Air Pollution and Atmospheric Processes. She has seven years of professional experience focused primarily in the area of atmospheric contamination and pollution. She manages large data bases and employs statistical treatment and analysis employing agile methodologies using programs such as MATLAB, R, Python. During this past year, she expanded her work experience in the area of Geographical Information Systems through the programs in JavaScript and Google Earth Engine in innovative projects developed by FAN, and based on collaborative work, not only within the institution but also collaborating with international institutions.

Eva Mollinedo​

Assistant Manager Specialist 



Diego Suárez

Assistant Manager Specialist

Diego is an Environmental Engineer and a forestry fire-fighter, with considerable experience in the public and private sectors, namely, he possesses more than 18 years working in areas related to and looking after the environment, assuming the leadership of multidisciplinary teams, both in the field as well as in the city. He has been working in FAN for two years in comprehensive fire-fighting management, something which he has developed as a professional attaining his ideals and convictions within the framework of an immense love for life and nature.

Diego Suárez​

Assistant Manager Specialist

Roxana Villalpando​

Assistant Manager Accounting

Roxana has a Bachelor’s degree in Public Accounting with experience in the administrative and accounting sections of non-profit institutions, as well as in Banking, working in there in the loans and credit departments. She is dedicated, thorough and pays attention to details in the task assigned to her. With regards to her goals, she has purposed for herself to establish a high sense of service to society. Like everyone else, she has great eagerness for professional and personal improvement, in addition to continue learning each day with the team with whom she works and spends time every day.

Roxana Villalpando​

Assistant Manager Accounting


Mario Foianini Landivar​


Mario is a Civil Engineer with post-graduate studies in International Business Administration. Currently he is a Developer of real estate projects and urban planning. He is the executive president of the company, Colinas del Urubó S.A., dedicated to building, installing essential services and marketing the urban project Colinas del Urubó. He has been a member of the FAN Board of Directors since 2015 and is its current Chairman.

Mario Foianinni Landivar​


Walter Ridder


Walter is a Business Administrator with specialization in finance and project evaluation. Currently he is an independent consultant, partner and administrator in a private investment fund and a partner in different endeavors working in the areas of construction, services and tourism. He has been a member of the Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (FAN) Board of Directors since 2010, as well as the following conservation foundations: Fundación para la Conservación del Bosque Chiquitano (FCBC) and Fundación Kaa Iya. Mario’s passion is nature photography, an activity that has allowed him to travel around Bolivia and extensively know its natural heritage.

Walter Ridder​


Hermes Justiniano

Second Vice-Chairman

Since 1989, Hermes has dedicated himself to conserving biodiversity by creating, directing and consolidating both the Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (FAN) and the Fundación para la Conservación del Bosque Chiquitano (FCBC). He was the first FAN Chairman and later was its executive director from 1989 until 1999.  Currently he is a lifetime member of the FAN Board of Directors and second vice-chairman. Hermes is the General Coordinator for the Center for Studies for the Alta Vista Dry Tropical Forest in the Municipal District of Concepción. He is a nature photographer and aircraft pilot. He has used both of these tools to support and promote conservation endeavors in Bolivia. Through these experiences, Hermes has authored several illustrated publications on biodiversity.

Hermes Justiniano

Second Vice-Chairman

Roxana Villalpando​

Member at Large

Andrés is a Commercial Engineer majoring in Business Administration and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Economics. He had dedicated himself to the areas of mass sales, transportation and consultancy as the commercial director and general manager until 2003. Later he was the General Manager of the textile plant, Hilandería Santa Mónica Cotton, until 2005. Subsequently Andrés has been a textile broker representing around 70 textile companies spinning and weaving companies around the world providing textiles for North, Central and South America. Subsequently, starting in 2016 until the present he likewise has become an international negotiator; recently, in addition to textiles, he has entered the fields of pharmaceutics, biosecurity and construction.

Andrés Rolando Trepp ​

Member at Large


Our partners
Strategic Financial

Our work is possible thanks to the financial support of our financing partners and the cooperation of our strategic partners. We work closely with a large variety of organizations and institutions, both local and international, to carry out our projects and implement our Institutional Strategic Plan. 




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