We develop capacities and promote good practices to strengthen local governance and there by achieve safer, more secure, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient communities and cities.

Community-Based Fire Management

We contribute to strengthening the local capacities and governance for integrated fire management and reducing wildfire risk in indigenous and peasant communities, sub-national governments and the protected areas of the Chiquitania, Chaco, Pantanal and Northern Amazonia regions of Bolivia.

Links to sites of interest:


Policy Brief

Territorial Planning and Management

We strengthen municipal environmental management within a framework of governance and governability so to agree on conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources and climate resilience in municipal districts found within prioritized ecosystems.

Citizen Science

We generate capacities, competence and tools to improve the access to and the use of digital information and technologies for monitoring and early warning of forest fires, as well as territorial management with social inclusion.

Links to sites of interest:​