Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza is an organization of Bolivian civil society made up of women and men who, recognizing the importance and value inherent in Nature, are committed to working to promote positive changes so that Bolivia values, protects and preserves its natural heritage and the environmental functions that sustain livelihoods and wellbeing of its inhabitants thereby ensuring sustainable development and climate resilience.


Impact Areas

Our 4 pillars are focused on the Sustainable Development Goals, related to forest and biodiversity (SDG 15), sustainable production (SDG 12), climate action (SDG 13) and sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11).


The best socio-environmental news about the progress and challenges facing our planet and the country today.


About Our Platforms

The purpose of the Forest Fire Risk Monitoring and Early Warning System (SATRIFO) is to provide useful and timely information for the prevention and control of forest fires in Bolivia.

AMA is a platform for early warning, monitoring forest fires and deforestation in the Amazon. In this platform the user can learn, query, analyze and download maps and data.

MapBiomas Bolivia Collection 1.0 includes annual land cover and land use data for the period 1985 to 2021.

This is the first complete collection of MapBiomas Agua with water surface mapping for Amazonian countries from 1985 to 2022, with annual and monthly data.